Weather in Bangkok

Now Bangkok, Thailand
Weather station Bangkok, Thailand
28.93  °C
Scattered Clouds

Wind speed: 20.81 km/h
Humidity: 43%

Source: OpenWeatherMap
Sat 27.80°
12.71 km/h 
Overcast Clouds
Sun 30.78°
9.97 km/h 
Broken Clouds
Mon 32.03°
11.30 km/h 
Few Clouds
Tue 31.74°
10.98 km/h 
Sky Is Clear
Wed 30.90°
11.23 km/h 
Broken Clouds
Thu 31.37°
15.52 km/h 
Broken Clouds


Bangkok is considered as one of the world's hottest cities. Bangkok has a tropical monsoon climate and it makes the city both hot and humid. The city cools off noticeable at night. In the months of novmber to January. Bangkok has three seasons cold, hot and rainy season.

November to January are the cold months.

March to May is the hottest time

May to October is the rainy season

Absolutely the best time for shopping is from November to January when temperatures are really comfortable, you can go shopping without getting sweaty and in the evenings it can almost be a little chilly.

During the rainy season from May to October, but the rain usually stops as quickly as it came.

March to May is the hottest time and incredibly hot but luckily there are many large shopping centers to cool off in.

May to October is considered as the low season and prices in hotels falls sharply. Bangkok is an exciting city that never sleeps and can be visited year round.

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