Weather in Chiang Rai

Now Chiang Rai, Thailand
Weather station Chiang Rai, Thailand
30.04  °C
Light Rain

Wind speed: 6.23 km/h
Humidity: 61%

Source: OpenWeatherMap
Sat 31.18°
7.31 km/h 
Moderate Rain
Sun 30.51°
5.40 km/h 
Moderate Rain
Mon 29.90°
6.70 km/h 
Light Rain
Tue 30.09°
6.48 km/h 
Moderate Rain
Wed 29.26°
4.79 km/h 
Moderate Rain
Thu 29.68°
4.82 km/h 
Light Rain


Chiang Rai in northern Thailand is average of 500 meters above sea level. They many grasslands, jungle and rivers holds the Valley little bit colder than the surrounding regions. There are three seasons in Chiang Rai. Cool, hot and rainy season.

Cool season begins in late October to February

Hot season from March to May

The rainy season and the chance of fog is in August to September

The cool season from October to February daytime temperature is pleasant and contrast to the evening and mornings that can drop to 5-15 degrees. December and January are the coldest months in Chiang Rai.

Hot season is between March and May. April is the hottest month of the year. March is a great time to visit Chiang Rai with its refreshing weather.

The rainy season in August and September, the city can more or less be flooded by all the rain, the temperature is fairly mild with an average temperature around 25 degrees. Heavy fog may occur this time

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