Weather in Isan

Now Isan, Thailand
Weather station Chiang Yuen, Thailand
27.35  °C
Overcast Clouds

Wind speed: 13.64 km/h
Humidity: 34%

Source: OpenWeatherMap
Tue 32.07°
9.65 km/h 
Few Clouds
Wed 33.81°
11.05 km/h 
Few Clouds
Thu 35.05°
12.38 km/h 
Overcast Clouds
Fri 35.57°
11.34 km/h 
Overcast Clouds
Sat 34.18°
38.38 km/h 
Few Clouds
Sun 27.21°
24.16 km/h 
Scattered Clouds


Isan is located in northeast Thailand, covers an area larger than England. Isaan is divided into three regions: northern, central and southern. Consists of three seasons, summer, rainy and winter season. Isaan is such a large area so the weather considerably different between the regions and the weather are just general for these 20 provinces located in the Isan region.

Winter is from October to February.

Summer is from February to May

The rainy season is from May to October

Winter is October to February. October may have rain and cold winds, coldest temperature in Thailand's Loei province.

The summer between February and May, the weather is hot and dry.

The rainy season with the highest rainfall around August and September and may involve the possibility of landslides and floods in some provinces and regions.

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