Weather in Koh Samet

Now Koh Samet, Thailand
Weather station Ban Charoen Suk, Thailand
28.57  °C
Moderate Rain

Wind speed: 13.93 km/h
Humidity: 67%

Source: OpenWeatherMap
Sun 28.76°
15.55 km/h 
Light Rain
Mon 26.97°
17.21 km/h 
Moderate Rain
Tue 29.23°
16.45 km/h 
Moderate Rain
Wed 29.09°
21.35 km/h 
Light Rain
Thu 28.69°
15.73 km/h 
Light Rain
Fri 28.66°
11.34 km/h 
Light Rain


Koh Samet has no weather station. The closest is located in Rayong on the mainland.

Koh Samet is an island in Rayong province, lies 179 km southeast of Bangkok. With his three seasons cool, hot and rainy season. Koh Samet can probably be visited hole year with a break for rain from September to November.

Cool season from December to February.

Hot season from March to August.

The rainy season from September to November.
Koh Samet is a stunning island, with its tropiskta climate. Generally Koh Samet is one of the driest places in the archipelago of Thailand. Koh Samet is visited frequently by the Thais who want to relax on the weekends. July to September, the island hit by short downpours that actually cools the tropical heat.

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